Aaron Homer

Photo of Aaron Homer
St. Louis, MO
Comparative Religions, Linguistics, Chess
  • Back in the day, Aaron would surreptitiously grab books from his grandmother's bookshelf and try to read them without her noticing. Grandma's books about the Roman Empire, the Civil War, and the Great Depression fueled Aaron's interest in not only history, but the lenses through which we look at it.
  • Aaron once coached a chess team, even though he's a marginal chess player under the best of circumstances. The team wasn't particularly good, except for the one lad who got 4th place in the Illinois 5th-and 6th grade tournament. The same kid also beat his coach every game.
  • Aaron has always loved trivia, and has even auditioned for several game shows, including Jeopardy! and Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?


Aaron was always a good writer in school, and consistently got straight As in those subjects. Regardless, his career took a different path and he didn't get into writing until late in the game. He's written for Buzzfeed, including a particularly well-received article about the people in Adam Sandler's "Chanukah Song(s),' and in particular, how a lot of the people Adam said were Jewish really aren't; The Inquisitr, Dvmmoms, and the History Channel, and has focused largely on topics that interest him. Aaron has written extensively about chess, religion, the Bible, and cannabis culture, among a broad range of topics, for Dvmmoms and other publications.
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Stories By Aaron Homer