Kate Sullivan

Photo of Kate Sullivan
Edinburgh, Scotland
Heriot-Watt University, SUNY Albany
Ancient Civilizations, Archaeology, Astronomy
  • Kate has degrees in anthropology and the classics, specializing in ancient civilizations, linguistics, and ancient magic.
  • She has researched and written everything from academic journal articles to pop reporting on topics as diverse as rare classic cars and the Maya apocalypse.
  • Her work has been included in books from Routledge, Harper Collins, Hachette, de Gruyter, and more.


Kate has been a professional writer and editor for more than 15 years, writing for a range of digital and print publications on topics ranging from food to car culture to weird history. She has won editorial awards such as the Golden Quill and NENI Editor of the Year, in addition to being recognized for her history writing and teaching. She's written for Hemmings, the Berkshire Eagle, Understandably.com, Callisto Media, and more, tackling any research assignment with single-minded determination. With every article, she calls on her interdisciplinary background and teaching experience to make the weird, wild, and complicated fascinating and accessible.


Kate holds a master's degree in business psychology from Scotland's Heriot-Watt University, which she uses to find the angle that makes any story most fascinating. Her bachelor's in anthropology from upstate New York's SUNY Albany comes in handy when digging into the truth about our past and what it means for the present.
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Stories By Kate Sullivan